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So many things in life are out of our control.  Health, hiccups, and a myriad of other happenings can throw the path of our daily living off; however, an organized interior IS under our realm of control!  There is something so satisfying about cleaning everything out, purging items, and making sure opened items are stored as needed.

With the summer coming to a close, now is the perfect time to get your life in order….in your own pantry at least!

First thing is first….you need to take it all out. Don’t leave a single thing on those shelves.  In order to get your pantry truly perfected, starting from a super clear foundation is essential.

Next, group the items that are in the same pantry “family” (cereals, soups, etc).  This is also the perfect time to toss.  Out with the old and organized with the new!

Following the sorting process, now is the time to start thinking what belongs in a basket or container and what can stand alone. Bags of chips, cookie grab bags, and cereals are better off being stored in a bin so they can be easily changed out. Pick the canisters that appropriately fit your items next.  This gives the overall feel and aesthetic for your pantry so container picking is HUGE!  Labeling containers is the icing on the cake.  From computer labeling to a fun, charismatic, handwritten style, this last step is a personal one.

So….while this is a process indeed, the end result is a tremendous benefit in the end all be all. The key is getting a cohesive look….and have fun a bit in doing so!



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