In Experience

Getting away this fall is certainly on most of our agendas.  Perhaps you are taking a deluxe fall break trip with the fam?  Maybe you and your significant other are breaking free and going somewhere Uber-romantic and secluded.  Or maybe… are having night with Gwyneth Paltrow in her guest house?!  While the latter might sound like wishful thinking, Mrs. Paltrow, herself, has made it a possibility.

While the chances of winning an evening in Montecito might be farfetched, there is a small, albeit it a VERY small, window of opportunity. Located in the backyard of her 14,000-square-foot main house, the Goop founder recently put her guest house open for availability for a single evening in September.

The home’s loft-style second story overlooks the living room, which is conveniently situated next to the open, state-of-the-art kitchen.  Though the pad has only one bedroom, it’s pretty massive. Located on the first floor, the home contains a plush queen-size bed, has stunning, vaulted ceilings, and huge windows that let in plenty of natural light. The home also features wide double doors that open to face a private patio, which overlooks an oasis of greenery and sunshine.

Potential guests can begin booking on August 15 at 10 a.m. Since the stay is open to only two guests for one night only on Sept. 9, you’ll want to bookmark the listing, and set your alarm to up your chances.

In addition to enjoying the expansive mansion, the one-night stay also includes a guided meditation session, a relaxing spa day featuring favorite goop Beauty essentials, and a nourishing goop Kitchen-inspired meal.

If this doesn’t get you zenned out just thinking about it, I don’t know what does.  Best of luck!

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