In Experience

That long-awaited trip…aren’t we all overdue?

Once you have booked that vacay, getting packed perfectly AND efficiently can be a difficult task.  Insert: e.Allen’s Packing Service.  This outlet is a wonderful way to know that you can get to wherever you are going in style….and with ease!  From making new pulls to working with what’s already in your closet, our stylists can get you ready for your destination in no time flat.  Shouldn’t a trip be just that….a vacation?!

The following are just a few of the steps our founder, Elizabeth Allen, goes through each and every time she is packing for an upcoming venture.  These are some great ways to pack (STRESS-FREE), and all of these inside tricks will have you out the door with less weight to carry and more energy to start off your vacay fun!

GRAB A RACK: Having a rolling rack accessible in your home somewhere is a great tool for pre-packing!

MAKE YOUR PULLS: Have fun with it.  Let your eyes be your guide, and select patterns and color palette pulls that suit your destination.

SHOE SELECTION: What season is it?  What’s the temp where you are heading?  As these answers pop into your head, select shoes that can go with a variety of outfits.  They should NOT be the main source of weight in your bag.

ACCESSORIZE: Earrings….handbags…belts….add them all!  These are non-dominant add-ins that make your outfits pop without taking up too much packing room.

TRY ON: While this adds some additional time into the pre-packing, it’s SO worth it.  Putting complete looks on beforehand will eliminate stress later when getting dressed on site.  It will also allow you to spend more time out and enjoying your day!

ADD EVERYDAY ESSENTIALS:  Exercise clothing, suitable pajamas, and undergarments are often forgotten.  We focus SO much on what to wear out at night that often these essentials are accidentally left at home…yikes!

ORGANIZE:  If you are at peace when you open your suitcase upon arrival, it sets the tone for your trip.  While this is not something you should stress over, a well-placed game of Tetris with your wardrobe can’t be beat!

BAG | AND GO:  You have put time and attention into every single fashionable detail.  Zip that suitcase up with confidence, pop those hot rollers in, and head on to the airport!  This ending detail is Elizabeth’s signature:)

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