In Beauty

Expressing your love and care for others does not have to include grandiose gestures, a large price tag or a large chunk of time. While these things are okay for specific occasions or reasons, showing someone or yourself some love and appreciation can be simple, quick and free. Sometimes the best way to lend part of your heart, is to just be kind. Random acts of kindness to others and yourself can make all the difference. 

Show those in your life or even a complete stranger a little extra kindness, and you may notice that you feel better, knowing that you made them feel better. Kindness is that gift that keeps giving, to them, to you, and it encourages the recipient to extend it to others in their lives. Here are a few simple ways that you can implement into your week, or day to day life.

Compliment a stranger on the street. Write a note of encouragement for a coworker. Tip your server a little extra. Write only positive comments online. Donate your unused clothes for someone who needs them. Leave snacks or water out for delivery drivers and mail people. Call a friend or family member that you may not have talked to in a while. 

As easy as it is to show others love and kindness, it can be a challenge if you yourself are not full of love. Loving ourselves in a healthy way is the best way to ensure we can share that with others. If your cup is empty, it is impossible to fill others cup, so ensure you take care of yourself too. Again, it can be simple or free to extend that same kindness to yourself. 

Take yourself for a long walk on a pretty day. Extend your skincare routine with a sheet or clay mask. Listen to a funny or uplifting podcast. Journal about the things you are grateful for. Get yourself a littler treat. Talk kinder to yourself. Allow yourself to get creative through an artistic project. Take a long bath. Start that book you have had on your list. Take a well deserved nap. Buy yourself some flowers to brighten your day and space. Burn a candle that makes you happy.

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